Hi, I'm going to explain same aspect and then difference. ### Similarities MAM message is also stored as transactions in a bundle. ### Differences MAM transactions are for only messaging...
Hi, Thank you for feedbacks. As explained in the article, MAM has a signature scheme to protect message chain from any spam message sent to the address already revealed. So,...
Thank you. Thing is that I cannot find your MAM transaction in tangle explorer. How did you test it?
You can test MAM in mainnet actually, because I did it. And MAM is stored as bundle of several transactions like normal transfer. I don't know maybe situation has changed...?...
I tested on mainnet on January. At that time IRI was 1.4.1.x, I guess. And I simply copied and paste the code in [example folder](https://github.com/l3wi/mam.client.js/tree/master/example) in l3wi's repo with host=`localhost:YOURPORT`.
I tried using public node to attach to mainnet, since my fullnode is currently unsynced. `var iota = new IOTA({ provider: 'https://iotanode.us:443' })` this node is from https://www.tangle-nodes.com/index.php?sorts[load]=1 publishing to...
Interesting!! And I noticed that your valid MAM transactions are confirmed but attacker's are not confirmed, although I'm not sure if it is because of that. And to @zmarwa ,...
This tool is awesome! Thank you for your info.
It seems both valid tx and attacking tx are confirmed. So, validity of the MAM tx is not relevant to confirmation. Also, even though being attacked, MAM message can be...