Blythe Davis
Blythe Davis
In Gull tracking (see latest version in #167), anaconda-project run gives the following error: ERROR:tornado.application:Uncaught exception Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/adavis/opt/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/tornado/", line 689, in _read_chunked_body await ret File...
In the version of the census notebook in #166, I removed the deprecated `datashader.spatial` import and therefore had to find an alternative to `spatial.read_parquet()` for the second cell. I tried...
Running the next-to-last cell in the Voila GPX viewer notebook for any of the examples gives the following error: `Exception: Cannot retrieve` This seems to be a problem with...
In #167, when running the Seattle lidar notebook, the cell `%time dataset = df_merc.compute()` gives the following error: `distributed.protocol.core - CRITICAL - Failed to Serialize.` When the cell `dask.distributed.Client()` is...
In the version of OSM in #167, running the second cell of the osm-1billion notebook gives the following error: `ValueError: A spatialpandas GeoDataFrame must contain at least one spatialpandas GeometryArray...
In #167, when running the Image_Classification notebook, the line `da = cat.UCMerced_LandUse_all().to_dask()` in the third cell produces the following error: Error TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) in ~/development/examples/landuse_classification/envs/default/lib/python3.7/site-packages/intake_xarray/ in...
In #167, I updated the IEX project and all notebooks except IEX_stocks are working. The issue I ran into was that in the original notebook, the code def xrange_filter(spikes, x_range):...
#### ALL software version info hvplot 0.9.0 pandas 2.1.1 notebook 6.5.4 #### Description of expected behavior and the observed behavior Expected behavior: Produces a Point plot where each point is...