Aaron Blakely
Aaron Blakely
> @ablakely hello wave > > Are you able to run `gofmt` to format the code? I should be able to merge it in afterwards. Okay should be good now
I'm having this issue with an iPhone 5 install. Debug just shows it's attempts to connect, never happens. Device just times out(?) and reenters the normal recovery mode with connect...
I'm working on a fork that's compatible with my 2006 Mac pro, which has 4 fans instead of 2, I also have a 2015 macbook pro I can test it...
I have completed my fork to the point I feel like it's a proper replacement for this daemon. It uses a new config file format as well as profiles for...
mbpfan as well as macfanctld are targeted for macbooks, mbpfan will work on other machines with up to 10 fans but doesn't seem to be as responsive as I'd like,...
@pobetiger it seems we have implemented some of the same functionality as far as individual fan control. @gaul I'm not opposed to such, but implementing the changes I have made...
Same issue here, Im going to see if I can generate a full list by moving the latitude and longitude around and filtering any scooters I've already received
The docs/ dir contains the information needed. Though I'm planning on redoing this library from the ground up, as this is the first node library I ever wrote. Now I...