Abinash Sahu
Abinash Sahu
I'm also getting the same error.
For me, these changes have got it working :+1: https://github.com/tgalal/yowsup/pull/1385/commits/0348511d02ff1addc208a5468a9a32fe48b89430 Edit: No, was working for a while but I'm getting error messages such as ``` File "/home/abinash/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/yowsup/layers/axolotl/protocolentities/message_encrypted.py", line 53, in...
The last time I tried, I was able to log-in and receive messages but the bot wasn't able to send anything. There is another problem I am facing. Some characters...
Use this [https://github.com/jlguardi/yowsup](https://github.com/jlguardi/yowsup) to fix the issues.
My number got blocked last night. Not sure whether its because of this library or something else.