Abhishek Tyagi

Results 9 issues of Abhishek Tyagi

The following files contain solutions to some more problems from the Counters section on HDL bits website. Hopefully, they will be helpful.

Hi, Congratulations on the work. It seems really interesting. I was hoping to use your SuperNet approach for comparing the robustness of different architectures (paper mentioned that you compared over...

Hi, Congratulations on the work. It seems really intriguing. I came across a line in the paper: > However, the reader should consider that our fusion approach is in fact...

Hi, I am trying to install torch_butterfly using the setup.py file. After installation, when I import torch_butterly, I get the following error: RuntimeError: Detected that PyTorch and torch_butterfly were compiled...

Are there pre-trained weights available for the MLP-Mixer-B with Pixelfly on ImageNet? Please correct me if I am wrong, but in the repository there are no pre-trained weights for any...

Hi, As far as I understand, TensorFI is capable of injecting faults at the level of nodes but not in the nodes rather the output of one node acts as...


Hi, While running the logistic_regression.py test case, I am encountering an error. **System Information:** Python=2.7 TensorFlow=1.1.5 (GPU Support) **Command used:** `python Tests/logistic_regression.py` **Log** WARNING:tensorflow:From Tests/logistic_regression.py:19: read_data_sets (from tensorflow.contrib.learn.python.learn.datasets.mnist) is deprecated...

Hi, I am trying to run TensorFI on an object detection framework. I am using TensorFlow 1.15 and the algorithm of Object Detection is implemented in Python 2.7 and tested...

While specifying the path for config file, I am getting this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "train/test.py", line 516, in test_from_rgb_detection(FLAGS.output+'.pickle', FLAGS.output) File "train/test.py", line 298, in test_from_rgb_detection...
