Abhishek Naidu
Abhishek Naidu
## 🚀 Feature Be Creative as much as you can, and try to make Song Cards to be as attractive as possible
## 📚 Documentation Improve Documentation
## 🚀 Feature Right Now, our web-app works fine on browsers, But it's difficult to everytime go to browser and search for A-POP So it's better to make our web-app...
## 🚀 Feature Make Lazy Loading Scrolling, Refer to this , if needed https://blog.bitsrc.io/lazy-loading-react-components-with-react-lazy-and-suspense-f05c4cfde10c
## 📚 Documentation Add Different Badges, for pipelines and for PR's, Issues, Forks, Stars
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Right Now, the todoist readme stats are just in normal text format, it can be highlighed by using `` Try to make in this format:
Addition of GitHub actions will help to enhance the code quality and workflow or repository. try to add `ESLint` and `prettier` Actions.