Please help with the following error. I have cloned the repository as it is into my Google Colab notebook. __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'data_dir'. I am currently looking...
Hello. I have run the code on google colab for a dry run and it was working just fine. I am now running it on a GPU-enabled server. But getting...
Hi, this is a very useful model, although becuase it uses dinov2 as an encoder, can we make it multi task model by adding a semantic segmentation head as well?...
Reducing the model size/making it lighter than the original vit-s and eventually reduce the flops.
Hi I am getting decent enough results on the vit-s architecture model for metric depth which shows it has around 22-25 million parameters. I want to make the model even...
HI @LiheYoung @1ssb, I tried using the depth_to_pointcloud script as it is for estimating depth for some rgb images for which I do have pixel-wise ground truth. As expected, because...