Abhijeet Pawar
Abhijeet Pawar
Code: ``` console.log('/************* Test *****************/', (new Date()).toISOString()); var t = grunt.file.expand([ '**/*.js', '!node_modules/**', '!dist/**', '!app/jspm_packages/**', '!app/**/vendor/**', '!app/config.js' ]); console.log(t.length, '/************* Test End *****************/', (new Date()).toISOString()); ``` Output: ``` /************* Test...
https://bundlephobia.com/[email protected] Size of the fusioncharts npm bundle is 1.3MB due to which the whole application bundle has become very big.
When I use JSPM with Karma, none of the files from files: [] array is loaded. But if I disable JSPM they start getting loaded.