Abhishek jain

Results 30 comments of Abhishek jain

> Four months ago, Marak [dropped over $10,000 on NFTs](https://opensea.io/Marak?search%5Bchains%5D%5B0%5D=ETHEREUM&search%5BeventTypes%5D%5B0%5D=AUCTION_SUCCESSFUL&tab=activity). No matter your opinion of NFTs, if you have that amount of money as disposable income then you're doing alright....

I am experiencing this as well. The analytics is including refunds in the net sales on the Analytics -> Orders. It's managing the partial refunds just fine, but not the...

Read the README file of the project, it says: > The profiles will be stored on the directory configured at config.json as individual file per profile. If you want to...

it's required. you need to install node modules. I ran the standard command: `npm install` that's all. @yungifez

yeah, I would still like to run it. and it results in the same error. I still don't understand why is it erroring out in one environment while working fine...

Tried still the same but I don't think core-js is the issue, it has something to do with the node-sass. I tried installing node-sass directly but it still resulted in...

yes, just this project. no problem.

is this happening anytime soon?