Abhishek Varma
Abhishek Varma
Hi @stefanprodan this is a production blocker for us to go live with fluxV2. I can also contribute if that helps. Thank You
It's happening a lot of time during development. Is there are any workaround without deleting the helmrelease?
Its a manual activity but this helped the stuck release: https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/5595#issuecomment-717024123
Envoy filter I m using : ``` apiVersion: networking.istio.io/v1alpha3 kind: EnvoyFilter metadata: name: filter-ratelimit-svc namespace: default spec: workloadSelector: labels: istio: ingressgateway-istio-default configPatches: - applyTo: VIRTUAL_HOST match: context: GATEWAY routeConfiguration: vhost:...
Facing the same issue when trying to connect to cassandra cluster through gocql sdk `gocql: unable to dial control conn Invalid or unsupported protocol version (4); supported versions are...
> In your case, both limits are getting applied, i.e. both unlimited and 5 per sec. When multiple limits are applied, the policy that denies the request will always win....
Hi, @renuka-fernando Checking is there is any update on this issue.
Let me know if the fix is required, I will love to contribute also.
Is there any expected timeline when this issue will be fixed? Due to this, only the same name cluster restore is working.