Abhijit Roy

Results 21 issues of Abhijit Roy

This is the PR to raised issue #162. Feedback is most welcome.

Instead of this [line](https://github.com/Uniswap/v2-core/blob/8b82b04a0b9e696c0e83f8b2f00e5d7be6888c79/contracts/UniswapV2Factory.sol#L26), the check contract logic can be written by introducing a function like this: ```solidity /** * Check that the account is an already deployed non-destroyed contract....

Problems as of now: - Now, we have to manually move cards from one column to the other. - A card has to be moved sequentially. All these problems can...

Currently, I have been able to do this: `git diff Book1.xlsx` where, it shows the difference b/w **last pushed** and **current changes** made in SPREADSHEETCOMPARE. But I want to see...

i am using this: ```py @bot.message_contains("kycdocf") def save_kyc_docfrontimg(chat, message): photo = message.document message.reply('{file_id} \nsaved.'.format(file_id=str(photo.file_id)), reply_to = message.id) ``` I am i am not able to get the `file_id ` How...

Hi guys!, How to achieve this? - I have added a bot as an admin to a public channel. - I have tried this: ```py @bot.command("channelstatus") def channelstatus_command(chat, message, args):...


This is an attempt to add 1 exercise in "traits" chapter. The objective is to let the developer learn these: - "How to implement at function that can return incompatible...

# I just found that the book is not updated as per FRAME v2. So, I shall be working on this as I make my learning. For any suggestion, please...

This [code](https://github.com/rusty-crewmates/substrate-tutorials/blob/main/exercises/ex00-testing/flipper/src/lib.rs#L18-20) in exercise-0 needs to be changed as per FRAME v3. File (code referenced): https://github.com/rusty-crewmates/substrate-tutorials/blob/main/exercises/ex00-testing/flipper/src/lib.rs#L18-20 **Before**: **After**: