HI After installing logtrail 7.2.0 it won't reflect on my kibana UI . Could you please help pe to achieve this.
Hi All, Can you please explain why we use schemachnage as we have multiple ways for DCM like liquibase and flyway? Regards Abhinav D
HI Could you please help me to get the dynamic secret for mongo db application which is deployed in kubernetes. Vault is also deployed in same k8s
Hi Can't see in influxdd measurements "sqlserver_database_io" Could you let me know how can fix my dashboards Dashboard query uses : SELECT non_negative_derivative("read_bytes", 1s) FROM "sqlserver_database_io" WHERE ("sql_instance" =~ /^$InstanceName$/)...
Hi Could you please help me to add user data for the installation of some software like java and notepad ++ from terraform while creating the Ec2. Regards Abhinav D