Alexey Lysenko
Alexey Lysenko
Thanks! Will remember that. isn’t it good to notice that thing in Readme? I think it’s not obvious :/
Boy! I have a solution here for you :) You have to open package contents "right mouse click -> show package contents", then you go Contents-> MacOS and then run...
@ladislavpr hm. I tried linux version too, but on my mac it behave strange and some brushes works not as they should :(
same problem here. Building for 10.3+ with Xcode 13.4.1. Kingfisher is 6.3.1 from spm. I can't update to kingfisher 7, because its 12+
@onevcat unfortunately it doesn't help :( Tried just now. I'm now trying to update to Xcode 14, so I'll report if that can fix the issue
Xcode update not helping. Even worse ;( Xcode 14 says, that SPM package is 11+ (but in fact package is 10+) In my situation it's easier to bump up to...
You should search for "how to use clip with XXX gan" Also check this collar. Its vqgan guided by CLIP. And all the wizardry from there can be used...
bumping up! Having same issue here. It's not something super problematic, but makes me curious
Same thing here. ``` fatal error: unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value (lldb) po locale.mny_currencySymbol ▿ Optional - some : "¤" (lldb) po locale 'ru'} ```
same problem here. 1.3.2 - infinite loading. Blank screen after logout. Tried to reinstall - no progress :(