Results 34 comments of Antoine BERNIER

done in

this is in my opinion a major feature to have +1

```sh $ npm i -D copy-webpack-plugin ``` ```js // next.config.js const path = require('path') const CopyPlugin = require("copy-webpack-plugin"); const pdfWorkerPath = require.resolve( `pdfjs-dist/build/pdf.worker${ process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? ".min" : ""...

@sickill what about giving an optional name to a breakpoint : a such breakpoint can then be considered as a "chapter" (like in youtube) ? -> we could then display...

It is also not showing up on latest Chrome Canary release (v71): ![image](

Hi @jenan-stripe and thank you for the quick reply. By reading I think I know get the point : in order to pay on Safari, we need to have:...

got previous `useCannon` r3f example working in this csb:

I've simplified [the original]( `useCannon(options, fn, deps)` signature, so it now only takes one param. No more limited to a single `fn` with dynamic `deps` args but: you can have...

@drcmda I've found your Discord comment insightful: I thought it is interesting enough to be into the doc, but feel free to reject if you aren't agree ;)

will it be available for sb 7 or 8?