Results 34 comments of Antoine BERNIER

@Mugen87 About formatting, is there a tool to run against my code? Thank you Ok, found the `eslint` tooling

✅ ok, all my tasks are now complete if you want to review @Mugen87 ;)

About [the screenshot](, I've initially and naively generated it manually... ![webgl_animation_skinning_ik]( Since I've checked on [this failed CI task]( and now I understand it is supposed to be auto-generated to...

> > Is there a way to delay the moment the screenshot is taken? (in my case 2.5s may be enough) > > Currently no (will be fixed in #24109)....

ok, let me simplify it extremely...

@Mugen87 ok, I've drastically simplified it, in the spirit of an IK example, leaving only the essential. It's maybe less appealing, but it should better fit examples' requirements: I've...

> It's quite easy to "break" the example by translating the sphere along the x-axis. The result is an endless ping-pong effect Indeed, I think this is due to `rotationMin`/`rotationMax`...

> Let's use `transformControls.showX = false;` for now. That should mitigate the most obvious glitches. I will add it tomorrow + some tweaks on the glb and will mark the...

ok - [x] `showX=false` - [x] fixed broken link - [x] updated screenshot lgtm, but don't hesitate if anything else I can do

> it is necessary to define a license for `kira.glb` How should I proceed for this?