Aaron Bentley
Aaron Bentley
As a newbie (with a Python background), "5.2 An Example Program Using Structs" left me with the impression that there is a first-class feature named "Annotations", and I then tried...
Also, I find the wording "attribute-like macro" confusing. It makes me wonder what makes them not true attributes. But they *are* attributes as best as I can tell-- they start...
It would also be nice if there were a way to run `lxd init` to recover from this situation, e.g. `lxd init --overwrite --preseed`.
> * There is no such thing as "initializing LXD", `lxd init` isn't special in any way, it just uses the normal REST API to setup storage, network, default profile,...
This was with b58e855e41b9266f8412823dbb260d1b8e49b45f
Python 3.10.4 from Ubuntu 22.04 ``` $ apt-cache show python3|grep Version Version: 3.10.4-0ubuntu2 $ python3 --version Python 3.10.4 ```
To reproduce from scratch with lxc: ``` $ lxc launch ubuntu:22.04 pygments-test Creating pygments-test Starting pygments-test $ lxc shell pygments-test root@pygments-test:~# su ubuntu To run a command as administrator (user...
Yes, that fixes it. Sorry, I'd previously installed pygments through pip, so it had all its runtime deps and I forgot to install requirements. Still, a better error would help.
@Saviq It's not just LXD, though. Most VM management tools support snapshots, e.g. virt-manager, virtualbox. And it can't be too long until LXD is on Windows via WSL2, eh?
Sure, but the default resolver is already very close to what we want, so we'd probably just wrap it. And we can't see a significant advantage to the default resolver's...