Abdulhakim Ajetunmobi

Results 24 comments of Abdulhakim Ajetunmobi

I got this :)

I am not sure thing can be made generic without it being an extension on `Collection`. Otherwise the call site sorta will have to look like this: ``` drop(arr: [1,...

Does changing the `AVAudioSession` category not work? https://developer.apple.com/documentation/avfaudio/avaudiosession/categoryoptions/1616462-defaulttospeaker

I have had similar issues, I believe it is a limitation on the `AVAudioSession` side. You can try setting the audiosession to active before hand

> which device has the problem the problem will be on the device that is being subscribed to for this delegate function.

Can you share screenshots? Not sure what you mean by doesn't layout properly

> There is nothing on the screen since the subscriber view height is 0. I haven't seen this behavior before. The sample apps work fine, can you share your React...

I am not too knowledgable with JS/React but wouldnt you provide the size in JS? ` `

@rrnara I cannot seem to get it to work. I edit the manifest file of the app, not the library right? Does it work on the emulator