Abdi Darmawan

Results 7 issues of Abdi Darmawan

How to get logs in container phabulous, i try run in k8s gke but not work Please add the following info when adding an issue: - Version of phabulous =...

Krakend Docker images with tag = devopsfaith/krakend:2.0 or 2.0.x / latest Library = github.com/apache/thrift Version = v0.12.0 https://github.com/krakendio/krakend-ce/blob/3bd4635ff5ce1b41fc15b189d533341bb59e0133/go.mod#L79 Severity = High CVE-2019-0205 : thrift: Endless loop when feed with specific...

Please Archive this repo when it is no longer in maintenance thanks

hi im use GKE Anthos Service Mesh managed control, i try install kiali have error Could not fetch health: Error while fetching app health: unable to proxy Istiod pods. Make...

hi its possible for monitoring DDL Data Definition Language CREATE - to create a database and its objects like (table, index, views, store procedure, function, and triggers) ALTER - alters...

how to connect my golang ap to casandra in kuberentes gke use this enpoint : cassandra-0.cassandra.default.svc.cluster.local or this endpoint : cassandra for example in my code .env CASANDRA_ENDPOINT=cassandra-0.cassandra.default.svc.cluster.local or CASANDRA_ENDPOINT=cassandra

Clients often experience disconnection Error logs from mochi server : level=WARN msg="" listener=tcp1 error=EOF and "i/o timeout" mochi server version : v2.6.4 my config listeners: - type: "tcp" id: "tcp1"...