hi the debug renderer is always noisy as during optimization we use only 8 samples per pixel (for faster optimization) after the optimization is finished the final image is rendered...
Hi Michael, the estimated maps (diffuse specular albedo) should be compatible with rendering engines (such as blender). I am wondering whatever blender filmic or standard adds any post processing to...
the environment maps is already exported as an exr or png file (refer to the config file) which environment map are did u use for blender ?
well if u change to 4096 this resolution will be used for the env map during optimization as well. not sure if u need that resolution. what did u get...
will add an export of the estimated camera parameters into a text file.
textures are already saved in the output directory. u can already resume optimization from a given pickle file (use the flag --checkpoint) and u can skip step 1 and/or 2...
plz refer to the main function of optimizer.py
if u use --usecheckpoint --skipStage1 --skipStage2 --skipStage3, it will only load the pickle file and save the output (no optimization is done then) i m not sure if this is...
can u plz elaborate more on ur problem so that i can try to help
I think redner needs to be compiled for cuda 11. meantime try to get pytorch with cuda 10 support. plz execute the commands in **INSTALL** file which will create a...