Abbas Mousavi
Abbas Mousavi
Is there a way to use cake and Cocoapods at the same time? This way we can use Cocoapods for dependencies like 3rd party libraries and use Cake to modularize...
Is there any way to use swift package instead of static libraries to organise the code with Cake with Xcode 11? The use case is that I want to use...
I think that it is good to add the ability to not make all folders to modules in Batter, so that we can use folders inside a module to just...
It opens UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary even if the user selects Cancel button. line:3476 in FXForms.m ``` - (void)actionSheet:(__unused UIActionSheet *)actionSheet didDismissWithButtonIndex:(NSInteger)buttonIndex { UIImagePickerControllerSourceType sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypePhotoLibrary; switch (buttonIndex) { case 0: {...
### Describe the bug saving and retrieving an array of arrays of a custom type is not possible. ### To Reproduce I have a person struct like this ``` public...
@BrettRToomey, Can Jobs be used with the new async system in vapor 3?
I can not compile boost 1.54.0 with this script. It compiles for armv7, armv7s and mac architectures, but can not compile for i386 (iOS simulator)
Changed the defaultSensorMode to get the value from `.marioAccelerometer` sensor. Also added `connectedIOs` map for Super Mario devices. It works more like a Gyroscope, and it seems that the 3...
llvm-gcc which is used by the rake to compile Samba has removed from XCoxe 5. So the build script stops with error checking whether the C compiler works... no configure:...