Anthony BARRE
Anthony BARRE
I notice that on nore-redis 3.1.2 and node-redis 4.1.0, there is no notification on keyspace (via `psubscribe`) after a reconnection. ## node-Redis 4.1.0 Here is a script to reproduce the...
I see that there is a script called "butteraugli" that compare two images and give a score : I think that could be an interesting addition for jpeg-recompress.
We detected that jpeg images in the CYMK color system were not supported by jpeg-recompress. However, mozjpeg seems to support this color system. ``` jpeg-recompress -Q --quality medium -m mpe...
If `image-recompress` fails to find a better quality for a given image, the resulting image is not encoded in progressive mode even if the option has been set. The expected...
I need for some images to keep the color profile (ICC) in order to avoid color degradation. The original images is in AdobeRBG (rather than sRGB). I see that jpegoptim...
I consider using jpeg-recompress at Fasterize. Fasterize automatically optimizes images from various websites. So, images at the input may be uncompressed or already compressed at different levels. 1 - I...
While comparing the keep-alive-agent module and the agentkeepalive module, I see that you didn't keep the [socket.setNoDelay(true) call]( in your implementation. Is there any reasons to keep this option to...
connection_interrupted and session_expired are not emitted by node-zookeeper. They have been replaced by not_connected and error.
Since the commit 0881c8b5668e9f10c2da2aa34649291df2ed861d, the test "connect no-op" fails. Here some infos : node v0.8.8 zookeeper 3.4.3 My server is correctly running during the test session. ``` -> % npm...