Alejandro Baez

Results 13 comments of Alejandro Baez

Hello, I was researching a while ago, in making the implementation for issue #88. Just never took the time to actually do it. One thing that I did spent time...

I think the session storage on client side, as @mayel suggested, would be a good way to go. Would help in keep strain on memory and complexity to a minimum....

@mayel thanks for the help. I already set myself locally for tweaking. Though got sidetracked in trying to get bonfire to build with nix. Looks like it wasn't maintained for...

Main reason on the nix route is that I don't have docker installed anymore. Only podman. While I could instrument another way of building bonfire without docker compose, I think...

@mayel I did and is why I went the Nix approach. It's bare metal without polluting my system. Though it's not like I _don't_ already have rust, yarn, or elixir...

For now, I'll see how far I get with #405 during the weekend. I'll also probably write the fix to this in the meantime. I already got an idea what...

@mayel sorry about the silence. Been pretty preoccupied with my day job lately.😔 I had something already semi functioning. But again, haven't touched since pushing up the draft. Will try...

@dajbelshaw I definitely did. Note to self: Don't write issues half asleep. 😅 @ivanminutillo definitely. I was thinking vi mapped keyboard shortcuts as those tend to be most fluid for...

@mayel I already have something for development, but not for building a nix package. The development right now works by treating as if it was without docker setup. So doing...

@mayel going with the changes done on #435, focused only on doing the portion on getting a development environment working with the `just` tooling you have. I did notice there...