Alex Bachuk
Alex Bachuk
Thanks for your suggestion! The local path is valid, when I try to copy/paste the path to a browser it opens correct image. I'm not using demeteorizer, it's localhost for...
Looks like res.req returns content-length always as zero. ``` ..., headers: { 'x-amz-id-2': '12284..00238', 'x-amz-request-id': 'qwerty', 'content-length': '0', 'connection': 'close' }, ... ```
you can store data from each request in separate localStorage keys. $.ajax({url: '/posts'}).success(function(data){ localStorage.setItem('posts', JSON.stringify(data)); }); $.ajax({url: '/pages'}).success(function(data){ localStorage.setItem('pages', JSON.stringify(data)); });
@nazcar I would recommend to use localstorage to cache data, it's well supported in ios. So on ajax success: function(data){ localStorage.setItem('posts', JSON.stringify(data)) }
@eskaigualker right. If there is no connection, images won't be displayed.
Same here `{ [Error: Cannot find module 'angular' from bower_components/ngstorage ...`
@soufianerifai what version of cordova and WordPress are you running? Any JS errors in console?
could it be cross domain issue? Do you see any error in console?
@poz924 did you add handlebars engine?
do you use same version of jquery mobile as in the repo? I'll try to replicate the problem in my local env.