Arnaud Babol
Arnaud Babol
Good point :+1: , I have made the changes.
Hey @troutowicz, did you have time to take a look at the `ReactCSSTransitionGroup` issue? I will probably investigate further next week.
I can confirm we also have huge lag issue on Android using native-base. Especially on list, we have to really be careful on changing a state/re-rendering list, we try not...
@pierroo Yes, thanks a lot for the recommendation, but in our case we cannot really afford that, one of the main component of our app `EventCard` is written using native-base...
> @antoinerousseau Is it the same exact error or just a similar error? (working with @antoinerousseau here 👋 ) => Same error
Thanks @gabrielmfern! Btw, we face another issue when using tailwind with media queries > Error: Tailwind: To use responsive styles you must have a element as a direct child of...