YamlDotNet.Editor copied to clipboard
This is a YAML editor classifier extension to the Visual Studio Editor.
Same as #19, but for VS 2019. Unfortunately, the workaround there of downloading and running the install manually doesn't work for VS2019, so we won't have a way to install...
Consider the Yaml block scalar below: ``` example: >2 First line of text, end of text ``` Is it possible for YamlDotNet to pass the indentation indicator value of 2?
Not sure if this is YAML syntax thing or not. Hope there will be syntax highlight for sub-string like ``` YAML Name: !Sub "${AnotherParameter}-sub-string" ```
Please support vs 2017.
Indent with 2 spaces looks better to me than 4. So I really would like a configuration to alter that based on personal interest. One good place to put it...
At the moment I can create e.g. a new XML File via the Visual Studio 2012 menu, but YAML doesn't seem to be available. Not sure if it's not implemented...
Just installed 1.6.1 today. Was editing a new YAML document in Visual Studio 2013 with Update 4. Entered about 42 lines. Cannot include lines, but can say it had one...
I would like to be able to configure which extensions this plugin picks up, in my environment the YAML files are not with yml / yaml extensions (and cannot be...
How hard would it be to adopt this plugin to Visual Studio 2010? Is there alternatives?
It happens when there are comments in the .yml file. The issue happens on this line: ``` yaml emitter.Emit(parser.Current); ``` ...in this file https://github.com/aaubry/YamlDotNet.Editor/blob/master/YamlDotNetEditor/CommandHandlers/FormatDocumentCommandHandler.cs#L55 So the error happens in the...