Aaron Sky
Aaron Sky
This is still happening in v2.4.0
Hi! Happy user of CreateAPI, great work 👍🏼. I would also love to have this, but I wanted to note that asserting based on the encoded data will not be...
If this is the same problem I'm thinking of, I was also running into this last week. I worked around it with a modified implementation of @thii's [objc_module_map_config.bzl](https://github.com/line/rules_apple_line/blob/main/apple/objc_module_map_config.bzl) from rules_apple_line....
The ASC schema does not specify a default in the spec itself, unfortunately. It would've made sense if they had though. My thinking was, considering these values must be set...
That sounds like a reasonable approach. I'll let you know if I have any more questions!
In your opinion, if a default value is provided or derived through your approach, how should that affect the optionality of the property? Looking at the edgecases example: ```swift public...
Likewise, given recent developments in Swift 5.8, I would like to see additional conformance to Sendable in enums and other places. Otherwise, it is impossible to add proper Sendable conformance...
So I'm curious, even if this isn't natively supported in the project yet, what is a way to do this manually now? Do I just lipo the executables or do...
I just put out a change in 0.2.1 that should make it easier to consume the compressed data. `appstoreconnect` will return a Buffer when hitting one of the two gzip...
I'm testing out something I wrote for my employer that addresses this very issue, in the pull request above. No warranty on it yet, but it does compile at the...