Aaron Raimist

Results 133 comments of Aaron Raimist

#75 is fixed but this issue is still present. After being kicked, accept/decline buttons still don't reappear until Seaglass is relaunched

Sent a video in #seaglass since GitHub doesn't support .mov https://matrix.to/#/!qvCRFpZsGETXtHJSnJ:matrix.org/$1537222180115120qCQAQ:matrix.org

![screen shot 2018-11-07 at 1 48 35 pm](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/5855073/48156862-e1bb0480-e293-11e8-87b4-8c6b6a2553a6.png) You also probably shouldn't have to attempt to invite someone to be notified that you don't have permission. It should just bring...

Manu: "it was decided that the SDK embeds no resources: no images, no sounds, no translation strings" I guess we can just import MatrixKit as well.

Upstream issue: https://github.com/vector-im/riot-ios/issues/953 We probably shouldn't worry about this too much since I don't think these are created by modern versions of any Matrix clients.

I’m not sure when Neil is planning on becoming a developer. I would assume probably not until there is a 1.0 release. I could sign it now but I’m not...

Sparkle says > If you are code-signing your application via Apple’s Developer ID program, Sparkle will ensure the new version’s author matches the old version’s. Sparkle also performs basic (but...


Yeah this is broken. Will check later today https://travis-ci.com/aaronraimist/seaglass/builds/85347054