
Results 7 issues of aaronlyt

**pytorch**: 1.5 statble **libtorch**: https://download.pytorch.org/libtorch/cu102/libtorch-shared-with-deps-1.5.0.zip **run command**: ./gradlew run --stacktrace --debug ### stop at: 75% EXECUTING [1m 37s] > :run ### debug infomation: 2020-06-10T13:43:15.052+0800 [DEBUG] [org.gradle.cache.internal.DefaultFileLockManager] Waiting to acquire shared...

hi, i am curious about the process of estimating the porpotion of the positive example? you got a score of 0.554. Using the log-loss formula,how can derive the porpotion of...

Torch version: 1.1.0 As the title, i trained the code directly on the dataset human, but got the results below, which were different from the paper, is the code not...

module: [EthosBinaryTask](https://github.com/microsoft/LMOps/blob/main/prompt_optimization/tasks.py) two questions: 1. df = df[(df[1] = 0.7)]: why using this condition to filter the data, the condition not appear in paper 2. exs = [{'id': x['index'], 'text':...


## setting server command: mlc_llm serve mlc-llama2-7b-q4 --overrides "tensor_parallel_shards=2" --mode server requst: request rate is 20 request/s gpu: a40 ## ❓ General Questions 10 request/s is ok, 20 request/s rate...
