
Results 67 issues of AaronK

- [ ] all CLI components could highly benefit from using [typer](https://typer.tiangolo.com/tutorial/first-steps/) - [ ] support redis streams - [ ] LDAP enrichment bot (which must also be compatible with...

feature request

merge into master pls

needs: feedback

Reasoning: if there is data in the postgresql DB which can not be further processed, I'd like to have a feature where I can SELECT (sql select) these rows and...

feature request

While observing intelmq-manager and monitoring the throughput of different bots, I noticed that you can only get a snapshot in time of the queue length. However, the snapshot really depends...

feature request
component: bots

demo of how to use the domaintools expert to fetch scoring for a domain

feature request
component: bots
needs: feedback

Some ideas from @otmarlendl What happens when we create a bigger network of intelmq instances? We might have loops. Proposed solutions: * add UUID field to eventdb. Only add events...

feature request

There seem to be some blockers for the docker-compose.yml example file to get it working smoothly and with minimal changes: - you seem to be missing an ENV file with...

Copy & pasting and modifying the ELK instructions: ```bash cat elastic-install.sh docker run \ --name elasticsearch \ --hostname elasticsearch \ --rm \ --publish \ --volume /data/elastic:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data \ -e "http.host="...

``` $ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=misp_modules ..SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS......2021-05-02 22:31:21,382 - misp-modules - ERROR - Something went wrong: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/travis/build/MISP/misp-modules/misp_modules/__init__.py", line 200, in post response = yield tornado.gen.with_timeout(timeout,...