Aarón García Hervás
Aarón García Hervás
@brijeshb42 margins for Stack's children elements in the smallest breakpoint seem to be injected last, so they win. This is from the [Responsive values](https://mui.com/system/react-stack/#responsive-values) example in System's docs: |before|after| |---|---|...
A workaround for this https://github.com/parcel-bundler/parcel/issues/1315#issuecomment-523524186 until this is fixed by Parcel.
@yasminebeji the API/developer experience will be kept intact; this would be an internal optimization. It probably requires some changes in how [breakpoints are translated into media queries](https://github.com/mui/material-ui/blob/384089c94a2154e2a0d117c30e179fe9802fe111/packages/mui-system/src/breakpoints/breakpoints.js#L37-L70).
@brijeshb42 I see the problem now. Before this change, users' overrides always came after the component code. The original code does this (in a minimal pseudo-code representation): ```css .Toolbar {...
> the only gain I see that we are saving this much string (@media (min-width: 0px) {}) from being added which isn't a lot I'd say. Yeah, although how many...
The problem is also present in `Input`, `FilledInput`, and `OutlineInput`. So we should apply any changes to those components, too. @DiegoAndai I'm inclined to think that every input should host...
@sai6855 TIL! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Then removing composed classes that are unused makes sense. Forget my previous comment except: > The problem is also present in...
@DiegoAndai yes, I think that makes sense