Aaron Crespo

Results 12 comments of Aaron Crespo

@WilliamDenniss This issue prevents `Podspecs`. from linking to this Pod as a dependency and breaks builds. The only fix is a fork. If this project is not support the Readme...

Im not sure the feasibility but ```diff - fputs("Unrecognized command: '\(verb)'. See `\(executableName) help`.\n", stderr) + fputs("Unrecognized command: '\(verb)'. See `\(executableName) help`.\n", stderr) + if NSRegularExpression(pattern: "-h|help|--help", options: []).numberOfMatches(verb) >...

Maybe you can explain what prompted this rule? Others might be seeing it.

Do you think instead of a new rule we can accomplish this with some options on https://realm.github.io/SwiftLint/nesting.html ?

Yeah I get that. This app asks for pretty sensitive information from a user and there is no guarantee whats on the release page is what is represented in code....

Yup, but say something nefarious happened Apple could revoke the cert which would prevent installs/execution on Macs running Gatekeeper.

The `sourcekitten syntax`command returns ranges and decl types.

Missread the question yeah, looks like vscode only supports text mate style colorizers. And language servers and extensions might only support decorating text on top of that. This might be...

looks like they use a text mate formatting file as well. https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-vscode/issues?utf8=✓&q=is%3Aissue%20is%3Aopen%20color Might be stuck unless vscode provides a different API.

Looks like this needs package.swift support so you can fill out the compiler args?