Aaron Hansen

Results 21 comments of Aaron Hansen

Sounds good. Looking through the code I couldn't see an easy way to implement it either. Be great to have, in the meantime I'll work around it.

@offirgolan do you think this would be any easier to implement with some of the validation work on isDeleted for checking what to validate?

Thanks for the suggestion. I've thought of doing that, but since we just import the semantic base files at the moment, that would take a bit more work to build...

@Panman8201 I haven't looked at pulling out pieces from bower selectively. If you have an idea on how to do that would be great. For selectively importing components, I know...

Have you tried setting observeChanges to true on the modal? My guess is its something is updating after the fact and Semantic is using the initial render for the layout

There is a known semantic issue where if you set [title and content it doesn't get updated](https://github.com/Semantic-Org/Semantic-UI-Ember/issues/157). Please create a test and a pr replicating your issue.

Good to hear. The demo site has the title bug mentioned before, just waiting for my pull request to get it fixed on the main semantic repo.

Yeah thats some legacy code we should update. If you want to create a pull request we can merge it in.

The problem with using the actual tabs semantic plugin is it updates your routes. It would mess with embers routing. I'd suggest using query params or just tracking state on...

@v3ss0n we just haven't implemented it yet. I can look at it in a week or two