Aaron Abentheuer
Aaron Abentheuer
Yep. I will very soon publish a big update to AAFaceDetection and it will support CocoaPods.
Yep - I’m working on a big update which will be out soon!
I’ve received a significant amount of feature requests over the last few months which will be implemented in a future version as well as of course the regular maintenance. The...
I hope to release it until Friday
I’m investigating more advanced algorithms that might help with that but this is more down the road. Still working on the update BTW.
Bounds are orientation-dependent since iOS 8 (see WWDC talk [View Controller Advancements in iOS 8](https://developer.apple.com/videos/wwdc/2014/#214)) so if you’re running on iOS 7 you get the behavior you’re describing. I [don’t...
Sorry. I now did some additional testing and now get what you meant. This is indeed a problem (even on iOS 8) and I’ll try to provide a fix as...
Having the same issue here …