
Results 11 issues of aaron2wh

since https://github.com/bibletime/bibletime/issues/156 closed, I start a new issue ----------------------- 3 yrs passed, but Chinese UI is still not show up yet. could anyone in charge keep tracking this? I finished...

type: BUG
component: Translations

錯誤日誌如下: Log file created at: 2021/09/25 17:58:32 Running on machine: DESKTOP-1KE6S8I Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg W0925 17:58:32.613015 8824 config_data.cc:62] nonexistent config file 'C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Roaming\Rime\punctuation.custom.yaml'. W0925 17:58:32.620012 8824...

that will helps a lot, when there often need pause the music to do other thing. in current version you can pause/play with two clicks. but if have a pause/play...

feature request


if yes, how to get it work to OCR Chinese in Catalina ? thanks.

當然可以添加到桌面,但是打開還是顯示地址欄等無關的部分,做成桌面web應用不知道是否難度大? 如果能夠的話,將是集美的,然後最好桌面快捷可以顯示logo,目前是一個「銅」字。

我是斐訊K3刷的Open WRT,穩定運行多年了,TTYD終端查詢CPU顯示這個 arch all 1 arch noarch 1 arch arm_cortex-a9 10 Collected errors: * opkg_conf_pparse_file: Duplicate src declaration (snapshots https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/packages/mipsel_24kc/packages/). Skipping. 我在你的項目裡面a9架構有好幾個包,我下載了[openwrt-21.02-arm_cortex-a9.tar.gz](https://github.com/sbwml/luci-app-alist/releases/download/v3.28.0/openwrt-21.02-arm_cortex-a9.tar.gz) 這個包解壓,得到三個ipk文件,上傳並安裝到路由器裡面,刷新之後,什麼都沒有發生。 請問我是選擇錯了安裝包嗎?

since I often use Mac Safari. pls, If possible