André Araújo
André Araújo
Hi @m-mcgowan, Do you have any update in this issue? Because before i read this issue i have tried to use the circular buffer, and use the interruptions methods of...
Just an update the tuning process, using as start base the [demo_stereo_outdoor.launch](, it was possible to achieve interesting results using stereo odometry, though it looses track of odometry once it...
Stereo_odometry Issue solved by disabling the auto_exposure of the camera, however it appear a new issue related with the rtabmap_slam Z axis drifting, created a new [issue](
Thank you @matlabbe for the feedback, I tried what you suggested and I'm having similar results as before. Disabling the auto-exposure, auto-whilebalance, and reduce the exposure to very low values,...
Hello @matlabbe, We manage to test with SURF and SIFT, with SIFT we had a better results, thought the stereo odometry still crash, in some light conditions changes, we want...
Hello @matlabbe, 1. Amazing, i really appreciated it :) ! 2. Solved, no issues running it in the docker. Though, if i try to set the `Vis/FeatureType` to 11 (superpoint)...