Aaditya Prasad
Aaditya Prasad
I’m trying to use your `netrep` repo for my own analyses but I’m getting stuck on some errors and I just wanted to make sure I’m implementing it correctly. Essentially,...
Hi, is there a way for me to get the data for this before averaging by trials but still with the same filtering calculations so it would be a tensor...
Hi I'm trying to train a model and am getting this error: ``` Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/jovyan/talmolab-smb/aadi/biogtr_expts/run/animal/SLAP_M74/single_run.py", line 91, in main(cfg.cfg) File "/opt/conda/envs/biogtr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/hydra/main.py", line 83, in decorated_main...
`albumentations` has a nice `__repr__` and `__str__` for their `Compose` class that shows the augmentations being used. Would be nice to have the same thing in Compose instead of the...
When using `audiomentations.Reverse()` and then converting to a tensor it leads to a `ValueError: At least one stride in the given numpy array is negative, and tensors with negative strides...
Hi there, I was interested in using AST but noticed that AST only allows single channel inputs, is there a way for me to use multichannel inputs into the model...
Thank you for the amazing package! I was wondering if its possible to combine gradient caching with gradient accumulation and/or gradient checkpointing and if it is possible whether it even...
Just came across this super interesting work! It seems like ENNs are a general module that can be adapted to any network but I was wondering if they only work...
When running `submission.generate_submission_file(trained_model=model, dataloaders=dataloaders, data_key=dataset_name, path="./submission_files/", device="cpu")` I still get a `RuntimeError: No CUDA GPUs are available` even when using device='cpu'
Hi, I was using your submission example notebook to generate my submission files and I came across a couple of errors that I tried resolving manually and just wanted to...