I want to use tsai for model training and torch for model inference, so I need to convert "get_ts_dls" and "torch.utils.data.DataLoader"
from tsai.models.InceptionTimePlus import InceptionTimePlus import numpy as np from tsai.data.external import get_UCR_data, check_data from tsai.data.preprocessing import TSStandardize, TSNan2Value from tsai.data.core import TSCategorize, get_ts_dls from tsai.learner import ts_learner from tsai.models.InceptionTimePlus import...
There are multiple identical entity types in a sentence, but the model always predicts only one. For example, the input is: 10,000 catties of oranges and 20,000 catties of apples,...
在最新一版的代码中, 运行api.py 出现了以上错误(UnboundLocalError: local variable 'resp' referenced before assignment), 通过debug的方式观察到local_doc_qa.llm.generatorAnswer(prompt=question, history=history,streaming=True)可能不返回任何值。
看了你的代码, 有部分细节没看懂, 麻烦问下该代码是根据那一篇论文改写的呀?