this is remarkable example of best practices max. thanks for making it available i have a q for you... - i need to add some styled elements and want to...
I noticed variables which are immediately preceded by the @ or $ fail to render. Adding a space between the symbol and variable allows it to works as expected. Is...
hello - thanks for making speedlify; it's the best - is it possible for the index/homepage to be a single vertical (of test sites)?
hello beautiful humans - any updates on the "(yet)" in "The same URL cannot be listed in two different categories (yet)"? thank you
Some pagination would be a beautiful addition to this theme.
hello. i love Dogs Of Dev and would love to use it too. can or will it be MIT?
### Is your proposal related to a problem? I love everything I see (on Twitter) about Cal and have been hanging to try it out. I'm currently scoping Cal as...