
Results 6 comments of aalllop

I have downloaded versión 7.1.0-post and I have one more time the issue: "msg": "An unhandled exception occurred while templating '{{ binary_base_path }}/bin/kafka-run-class {% if zookeeper_ssl_enabled|bool %} -Dzookeeper.clientCnxnSocket=org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxnSocketNetty -Dzookeeper.ssl.trustStore.location={{zookeeper_truststore_path}} -Dzookeeper.ssl.trustStore.password={{zookeeper_truststore_storepass}}...

I'm using the correct versión of the playbook. I have downloaded using git clone https://github.com/confluentinc/cp-ansible \ /ansible_collections/confluent/platform and then: cd cp-ansible git fetch git checkout 7.1.0-post

I have the same version and the same problem. I never get the visitor notification on HA with any version. I have uninstalled serveral times the integration with no luck

If the notification doesn't work, update firmware and then reset the doorbell to factory