#0K Srinivasan Ramachandran

Results 28 comments of #0K Srinivasan Ramachandran

Thank you for notifying. I will fix these issues soon

Thanks for letting know of this. Will try to fix soon

Hello dawlister, My sincere apologies for the delayed reply. Actually I am in the process of overhauling the entire framework. This is to move it closer to a much cleaner...

`parcel` - It wins in easy setup - It wins with lesser configuration scripts and files - But it terribly loses to filesize, which is okay to overlook atm `pixijs`...

Good. There reason I wanted to have it as live session is because it would be easy for everyone to ask for questions and scenarios spontaneously and thus maybe more...

Can you give an example dwg file you want to import?

Hi, This is a feature that is pending for future release

No it's not normal. It's been a while I used go-icp for experimentation. Did you run the bunny experiment with the original c++ code,? Python takes only that much time...

Please look into the original project and the link is given in the README. Sorry for the delayed reply