aakash kag
aakash kag
Hello Prisma Team :) Thanks for awesome project. Is there any plan or timeline to implement this feature.
@theGOTOguy / @JoeMcCaffrey Could you please create PR. It will super helpful for other developer.Currently there is no auth in hapi fihr :(
Sorry I can't help. Let;s wait for developer response
@michael-gvdw Here is details steps 1) Create file inside (HAPI_FHIR_SERVER/src/main/java/ca/uhn/fhir/jpa/starter): BasicSecurityInterceptor.java I am attaching BasicSecurityInterceptor.java file. dont forget to change ext to java [BasicSecurityInterceptor.txt](https://github.com/hapifhir/hapi-fhir-jpaserver-starter/files/14805010/BasicSecurityInterceptor.txt) 2) In application.yml update interceptor put...
@michael-gvdw I am attaching a code for you That includes "BasicSecurityInterceptor.java" [HAPI_FHIR_SERVER.zip](https://github.com/hapifhir/hapi-fhir-jpaserver-starter/files/14901132/HAPI_FHIR_SERVER.zip)