Ashfaqur Rahaman

Results 5 issues of Ashfaqur Rahaman

GPM is failing to give mouse support in console with the following error: > *** err [daemon/getmousedata.c(47)]: > Error in read()ing first: Invalid argument I am using Gentoo. I have...

I am trying to compile `examples/xed-ex1.c` in following way: ``` $ cd kits/xed-install-base-2020-05-10-lin-x86-64/ $ gcc -I./include/ -I./examples/ -c ./examples/xed-ex1.c $ gcc -o xed-ex1 xed-ex1.o ./lib/libxed.a ``` But it is generating...

I am trying to slice following example (Adding line number for convenience): ```c 1 #include 2 3 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { 4 int x = 10, y =...


For example if I try to write `var = ["1.2", "2.5"]` or `var = "1.2", "2.5"` neovim hangs after the first string is written. I have to kill the process...


It is not mentioned in the README for which version of Ubuntu the instructions are for. `ebpf-verifier` doesn't compile on Ubuntu 20.04 without GCC-11 (Vanilla Ubuntu 20.04 comes with GCC-9...