Results 11 issues of admin


聊天框过一会就无法输入文字 无法打字,fcitx5,重启软件后打开可以输入,过一回又不行了

{ "comment":"For usage, see", "port": 12346, "program_noproxy": [ "qv2ray","xray","v2ray"], "program_proxy": [], "cgroup_noproxy": ["/system.slice/v2ray.service","/system.slice/xray.service"], "cgroup_proxy": ["/"], "enable_gateway": true, "enable_dns": false, "enable_udp": true, "enable_tcp": true, "enable_ipv4": true, "enable_ipv6": true, "table": 10007,...

cgproxy.service - cgproxy service Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/cgproxy.service; disabled; preset: disabled) Active: inactive (dead) Oct 05 20:14:37 BlackArch cgproxyd[2531]: iptables: noproxy cgroup: /noproxy.slice /system.slice/v2ray.service Oct 05 20:14:37 BlackArch cgproxyd[2531]: iptables: proxied...

./xray_linux_amd64: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 无法启动

### 问题类型 / Type of issues * 其它 / other ### 受影响的软件包 / Affected packages * (请在此填写包名,每行一个,开头加上星号 / package names, one per line) * wine-for-wechat * wine-wechat-setup 请在此补充说明。 Please describe...

2023/06/21 17:03:35 [Info] features: You are using a deprecated feature: root fakedns settings. Please update your config file with latest configuration format, or update your client software.


### 功能描述 / Feature description 如何关闭软件自带的标题栏,改用使用系统自带的,我是Archlinux wayland kde ### 使用场景 / Use case 有两个标题栏不协调,关闭系统的标题栏倒是可以,但是这样会和其它软件标题栏显得不一样,有点别扭


请问如何更改默认部署的ip? 我直接运行,默认读取的是我的本地ip,但是我需要把这个服务部署到公网