Hello. For smooth and prefect translation, it might be very nice if you can make time to be translate-able: such as "hours" , "minutes" , "seconds" ... Thank you
``` command /cholotest3: trigger: loop {location::holoitem::1::*}: create interactive client side holo object "ItemStack:Diamond Ore;" with id "%player%_%loop-index%" at loop-value to player broadcast "%loop-index% created &e%loop-value%" ``` {location::holotiem::1::$name_of_this_hologram_in_String} = $location $...
Hello. This is an issue with quests and Jobs Reborn plugin. If I set a custom drop for creature or crop, it makes quests and Jobs Reborn unable to count...
Hello, I'm using clientstats for quite long time now, and I want to suggest something that I always thought that it would be nice to have : logging. It will...
### Server software and version 1.19.3 paper ### Expected behavior mana and abilities should be syncronzied properly across servers ### Actual behavior First, you need multiple servers that aureliumSkills are...