
Results 7 comments of aSauerwein

it's working for me with only 1 client configured. I had the same error message and my fault was that the user must have 2FA disabled and must be in...

for testing I copied, changed the model id and imported it into deconz. So far it looks good, i can read and change the temperature setpoint. So I'd assume...

is there a way to make one screenshot of the whole attribute table ? currently it shows only 4 elements without scrolling

just updated the Issue with all screenshots. Let me know if you need more

I'm afraid to make a pull request, cause I just copy pasted things from the existing battery power room thermostat. but this ddf seems to work fine for me:

hi @mattreim thanks! i imported your .json and it looks fine!

that's correct. I have a 2 node k3s deployment control plane and worker node on an alpinel inux worker node on an rocky linux the synology-csi is working fine on...