Eloi George
Eloi George
Also, I see you've advised others to go to PKC settings -> Advanced to turn on PKC Debug logging. I don't see that option in my installation. Its the Stable...
OK - Powered off & on Kodi, let it give me the Abort message, then navigated to PKC Settings and asked to choose a server manually to get a second...
Thanks for that wonderful & detailed response! So if I wanted it to work as it had in previous Kodi versions, I'd have to setup a SSL certificate on the...
As I don't know what Plan A or B are, may I offer my suggestion that there should just be a clean break between the Drush instances. As with many...
Yes. I edited /root/.barracuda.cnf to replace the old db specification with this: _DB_SERIES=5.7 #---------------- Supported values: 5.7 _DB_SERVER=Percona #------------ Install Percona or MariaDB (deprecated) and then ran "barracuda up-head system"...