博客写的很好哦。向你学习! 网站名称:李维的个人博客 网站链接:http://www.abreaking.com 网站描述:好coding,不求甚解。每有good idea,便欣然忘食。
@tpiperatgod functions-sample.yaml ``` apiVersion: core.openfunction.io/v1beta1 kind: Function metadata: name: function-sample spec: image: "abreaking/sample-go-func:latest" ``` and i also used [official yaml ](https://github.com/OpenFunction/samples/blob/main/functions/Knative/hello-world-go/function-sample.yaml) , also same error occurred. my minikube version: ```...
@tpiperatgod hi , i can apply yaml successful, but the BUILDSTATE of function-sample is `UndefinedParameter`, see: ``` roott@kube-PC:~/openfunction/hello-world-go# k get function NAME BUILDSTATE SERVINGSTATE BUILDER SERVING AGE function-sample UndefinedParameter builder-gjkgr...
@tpiperatgod ``` root@kube-PC:~/openfunction/hello-world-go# kubectl get buildruns.shipwright.io NAME SUCCEEDED REASON STARTTIME COMPLETIONTIME builder-gjkgr-buildrun-rt7bj False BuildRegistrationFailed 11m ``` describe: ``` oot@kube-PC:~/openfunction/hello-world-go# k describe buildruns.shipwright.io builder-gjkgr-buildrun-rt7bj Name: builder-gjkgr-buildrun-rt7bj Namespace: default Labels: openfunction.io/builder=builder-gjkgr Annotations:...
@tpiperatgod ``` root@kube-PC:~/openfunction/hello-world-go# k get builds builder-gjkgr-build-8zd57 -o yaml apiVersion: shipwright.io/v1alpha1 kind: Build metadata: creationTimestamp: "2022-02-11T06:48:59Z" generateName: builder-gjkgr-build- generation: 1 labels: openfunction.io/builder: builder-gjkgr name: builder-gjkgr-build-8zd57 namespace: default ownerReferences: - apiVersion:...
@benjaminhuo No pods found related to ofn in default namespace, need i paste the log of pods which in the namespace shipwright-build or openfunction ?
@tpiperatgod ``` root@kube-PC:~/.ofn# more minikube-inventory.yaml openFunction: 0.5.0 keda: 2.4.0 dapr: 1.5.1 tektonPipelines: 0.30.0 shipwright: 0.6.1 ingress: 1.1.0 ``` and ``` root@kube-PC:~/.ofn# kubectl get clusterbuildstrategies.shipwright.io openfunction -oyaml apiVersion: shipwright.io/v1alpha1 kind: ClusterBuildStrategy...
@tpiperatgod unfortunately, still the same error 😶 ``` root@kube-PC:~/openfunction/hello-world-go# k get function NAME BUILDSTATE SERVINGSTATE BUILDER SERVING AGE function-demo UndefinedParameter builder-9trqz 4s root@kube-PC:~/openfunction/hello-world-go# k get builds NAME REGISTERED REASON BUILDSTRATEGYKIND...
@tpiperatgod ok , thanks very much for your time, the demo I will try it later . and let me try out shipwright-io, or maybe the issue is belongs shipwright-io.