hi, i use SvtHevcEncApp to encode a YUV file with -w 4096 -h 2160 , but it seems that -tbr parameter is not working. I used the cmd below, can...
Hi, I want to use shared memory in Occlum, but it returns an error. Does Occlum not support shared memory? Or how can I solve this problem? 2021-09-03 01:49:36.239 UTC...
1. docker run -it --device /dev/isgx occlum/occlum:0.22-ubuntu18.04 2. run demo "hello_c " 3. got erro: 139 in the init process. root@76b16df95f4f:~/demos/hello_c/ow# OCCLUM_LOG_LEVEL=trace occlum run /bin/hello_world [2021-06-23T12:44:29.089Z][TRACE][T0][#0] env_checked from env untrusted:...
I have a customized ONNX model which used "EmbedLayerNormalization" op, the struct is shown in picture below. and I have met an error when I load model with OpenVINO. it...
## Why are these changes needed? xFasterTransformer has upgraded to latest version and supported more models and parameters. So, we want to upgrade xFasterTransformer API to the newest. ## Related...
Usage: before you run instance export KV_CACHE_LOCATION=#memory_numa_node_id_you_want_to_use_for_kv_cache by defaults, kv_cache location is the same as other parts of instance.