Alex Akers

Results 33 comments of Alex Akers

`icucore` is not available on iOS unless you statically link it into the app binary.

@pcr910303 iOS 14 b2 seems to have removed this? (Filed feedback FB7931973)

I noticed that you use some C code to call assembly directly. Do you know if that would work in the Swift Playgrounds app (#2)?

You can generate a playground by running the following: `./Playground/GeneratePlayground.swift -version 1.0.0 -debug false` I can test it on iPad, but I think the Playgrounds app only runs Swift, hence...

Not sure if this is actually even possible due to type constraint limitations.

This looks great! A couple of notes: 1. Let's rebase your changes off of master 2. Do we want to keep _ShortcutsSwiftXcode.playground_ or should we move that into the Playground...

Considered adding a commit updating the code to use keyed subscripting. Would that be useful or unnecessary?

Sorry about the delay in responding to your issue. Please feel free to open a pull request. I've been a bit busy.

Hey @Bersaelor, this wasn't on my roadmap but I think this is a great idea! Anyone should feel free to start a pull request if I don't have time right...

@Bersaelor I'm not sure if you're doing anything wrong but I'm also sure there are places ripe for optimization. Maybe it's worth running the code under to see where...