
Results 18 comments of a14stoner

I solved this error with installing requests-html==0.10.0 Before there was an old version of requests-html under /usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/requests_html.py Now cookies, send_cookies_session is available.

worked for me.. please merge :D

I tried the same but ram keeps geeting fuller and fuller until no ram is available. My code: ``` # async function async def get_address (): b = await asession.get(url)...

Hey @sletuffe yea i filled the voids. but didnt help. Is it possible that i get the conflated tiff DEM which you and OTM are using? Unfortunately the NASA SRTM...

Alright. This would be nice. Maybe its also possible to snip out a BBOX of [6,44,18,56] (EPSG:4326). Thats the area i need the data.

Ill try my best with the data from @yvecai and report back if I managed it ;)

I identified which step produced the voids: gdaldem hillshade -z 2 -co compress=lzw -co predictor=2 -co bigtiff=yes -compute_edges warp-90.tif hillshade-90.tif && **gdal_translate -co compress=JPEG -co bigtiff=yes -co tiled=yes hillshade-90.tif hillshade-90-jpeg.tif**...

Thank you for this nice convo - i lean things from you :D With the not compressed tif my map looks like this now: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/59861665/215978143-f743f270-4383-4301-bc9f-3ee585ddc6e1.png) All is good except the...